Certified Bootcamp: Comprehensive Course on ChatGPT

8 hours 4 hrs per day English
Projects: 16 hours


Instructor Led Program

Case Studies

For learning assessments


From real world scenarios


Widely recognized by the industry

Certified Bootcamp: Comprehensive Course on ChatGPT

8 hours 4 hrs per day English
Projects: 16 hours


Instructor Led Program


From real world scenarios

Case Studies

For learning assessments


Widely recognized by the industry


This certified bootcamp is designed to help learners master Natural Language Processing (NLP) using ChatGPT, a cutting-edge language model. ChatGPT has revolutionized NLP and powered a new generation of conversational AI applications. This bootcamp will teach learners how to leverage ChatGPT to build intelligent chatbots, question-answering systems, language translators, and more. Also, it covers the latest research and techniques in NLP and provides hands-on experience with real-world projects.


  • Introduction to NLP, OpenAI and ChatGPT
  • Question-Answering Systems
  • Building a Chatbot
  • Advanced NLP & Coding Techniques
  • Integration with other applications
  • Web App Development using ChatGPT
  • Research Trends and Future Technologies

  Course Schedule

Schedule On Demand

8 hours 4 hrs per day English

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Module 1 Introduction to NLP, OpenAI and ChatGPT
  • Overview of NLP and its applications
  • Emergence of Chat GPT
  • GPT Architecture
  • Introduction to ChatGPT and its capabilities
  • Working of ChatGPT and its applications
  • Introduction to OpenAI and Overview of OpenAI's GPT models (e.g., GPT-2 and GPT-3 )
  • Setting up the development environment and API credentials
Module 2 Question-Answering Systems with ChatGPT
  • Understanding the principles of question-answering systems
  • Building a simple question-answering system with ChatGPT-3
  • Evaluating and improving the performance of the system
Module 3 Building a Chatbot with ChatGPT
  • Designing a conversational flow and dialogue management
  • Integrating ChatGPT with a chatbot framework
  • Fine-tuning the language model for better performance
Module 4 Advanced NLP Techniques with ChatGPT
  • Sentiment analysis and opinion mining
  • Language translation and multilingual models
  • Text summarization and content generation
  • Essay, script and novel writing
  • Content creation for social media posts
  • Content creation for YouTube videos and business purposes
Module 5 ChatGPT for Students and Jobseekers
  • Interview Preparation with the mock tests
  • Slideshow Presentation in minutes
  • Resume Creation for specific job requirements
Module 6 Advanced level of Coding with ChatGPT
  • Live Coding for various programming languages like Python, JavaScript, HTML, MATLAB
  • Debugging the code and generates the output quicker
  • Converting the code from one programming language to another
Module 7 Integration on ChatGPT
  • Integrating ChatGPT with Sheets
  • Integrating ChatGPT with Outlook
  • Integrating ChatGPT with Pdf
Module 8 Beyond ChatGPT- Other OpenAI Tools
  • DALL-E 2 for generating more realistic arts
  • Whisper AI to convert spoken language into written text
  • Codex for converting natural language into code
  • Playground for content creation with updated data
Module 9 Web Application Development using ChatGPT
  • Setting up web development architecture and backend server
  • Setting up the database
  • Setting up a React-based client-side application
  • Writing user API requests to Mongo DB with Express and React
  • Fetching and updating the database with Mongo DB API and routing with Express
  • Routing to React-based client-side application
  • Debugging and client-side coding
Module 10 Research Trends and Future Directions
  • The latest research and developments in NLP
  • The ethical and societal implications of NLP and AI
  • Building a roadmap for future projects and learning
Join this course ($55)*