Live Instructor-led Online Course

Data Science using Python

Home / IT and Software / Data Science using Python

Course Fees: $329
Certificate : Yes
Course Type : Instructor-Led
Level : Intermediate
Subject : IT and Software
Course Overview:

The data science platform has a high significance in understanding data. It processes and analyzes huge amounts of data for better decision making. This course teaches how to use Python for collecting, organizing, processing, exploring, visualizing, and analyzing the data to extract insights that help in making business decisions.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to use raw information to extract insights and build advanced data science capabilities. Key topics covered include:

  • Introduction to Python programming
  • Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA)
  • Fundamentals of Statistics & Probability
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Distribution & Correlation
  • Classification – KNN, Naïve Bayes
  • Decision Tree, Random Forest
  • Text Mining, WordCloud
  • Forecasting / Time Series

Ideal for:

  • Data scientists
  • Statisticians
  • Computer science students / professionals
  • MIS managers
  • Anybody interested in data science 

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