Live Instructor-led Online Course

Advanced Program in EV Modeling with Vehicle dynamics

Program Start Date : 03 June 2024  |  08:30 - 10:30 PM IST

Weekdays  |  BN5608

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Home / EV System Design and Analysis / Advanced Program in EV Modeling with Vehicle dynamics

Course Fees: $389
Start Date : 03 June 2024
Certificate : Yes
Language : English
Level : Advanced
Subject : EV System Design and Analysis
Duration : 02:00 Hours / Day
Course Overview:

The prices of fuels are rising with each passing day, and more electric vehicles ply the road. This major shift has increased the need for EV Engineers and technicians so that the technology is supported for it to flourish. You are about to choose an EV modeling course that takes you through torque vectoring strategies, motion controls, and understanding the vehicle handling characteristics in detail. Apart from imparting the fundamentals of EV technology, you are all set to learn how the system works with more practical exposure and simulation techniques.

Learning Outcome:

Upon completing the course, you will be able to address EV Vehicle dynamics, performing various calculations under the following aspects:

  • Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Modeling
  • A comprehensive take on the IDNLGREY Vehicle Model
  • Identification of System using simulated High Tire stiffness Data
  • Identification of System using simulated Low Tire stiffness Data
  • Identification of System using Measured Volvo V70 Data

Ideal for:

Any professional interested in the trends of EV technology and who wants to be a part of its future can apply. Based on the criteria, the ideal candidates are as follows:

  • Mechanical, Mechatronics, Automobile Engineering students or graduates
  • Students or Professionals pursuing Industrial/Mechanical design

CalendarProgram Dates: 03 June - 14 June

Trainer Profile

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Adithya Murali is a CloudKampus certified trainer with over 2 years of experience in training; has been the resource person for more than 20 batches on the following software / subjects: Matlab General.

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