Digital Textiles Printing for Fashion

Learn how to use Adobe for creating illustrations for fabric printing and know various textile printing methods

hours 00:17:55 min  session  5 sessions  Level  Intermediate

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Home / Product Design and Analysis / Digital Textiles Printing for Fashion

Course Fees: $1.99
Session : 5
Duration : 00:17:55
Level : Intermediate
Subject : Product Design and Analysis
Course Overview:

Digital textile design is about working with images or shapes to create definite patterns and other forms of designs. Textile printing is applying color to fabrics based on the patterns and or designs. This course teaches how to use Adobe Illustrator for digital textile design, and introduces the stages of printing right from the preparation of colors, printing paste, printing methods, and drying of the fabric. 


Learning Outcome:

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to use Adobe illustrator tools to create patterns and graphics and gain a clear understanding of printing methods. Key topics covered include:

• Introduction of Developing Prints

• Various Types of Prints

• Stages of Prints

• Designing Prints in Adobe Illustrator


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Fashion designers and stylists with basic knowledge

Topic Duration
Introduction of Developing Prints 00:02:00short take
Prints and its stages 00:01:42short take
Prints patterns and its application 00:01:42short take
Developing prints in software00:11:31short take
Final Motif Design00:01:00short take
Total Duration: 00:17:55

Course Includes

Online exercise

Online exercise

Lifetime access to lecture videos, study materials



Assessment on practice with quiz for each topic

Certificate on completion

Certificate on completion

Internationally valid certificate on
successful completion of the course

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